Category Personal

Seeing Red w/ Taylor

SEEING RED? As I was out shooting a couple weeks ago, Taylor was there helping with the family I was shooting. As I was shooting I looked over at Taylor and there she was with her red hair with the…

Future Workshops – How to make a better photo

Since my last workshop in Clare this past Sunday, I had several people asking if I will be having another workshop anytime soon.  If I have enough interest (approx. 15-20 people) I will have another workshop, but I’m not sure…

Things to come and things in the recent past

I have a feeling that this is gonna be a long winded blog post… at least for me! First I’ll start off with the things that recently happened… I went to Montreal for the first time during Daphne’s March break.…

Where did my comments go?

If you’re wondering why your comments are no longer being displayed it’s because I just upgraded to facebook comments v2. The new version has more features and worth the upgrade however it is not compatible with the old version and…

Today’s Smoothie

…is brought to you by me! 🙂 This is my ‘almost daily’ fruit drink. I alter it from day to day, depending on what fruits I have left in the house. In today’s smoothie there is one riped bannana, hand…

Happy 2011 everyone!

Happy New Year to each and everyone of you! 😉 If 2011 is a fraction of the awesomeness that 2010 was I will be extremely fortunate! 🙂 Thanks to everyone and their beliefs in me! 😉 Cheers…. bring on 2011!

Farewell Ratatouille

I was doin’ my daily chores of feeding Sandy and Ratatouille today when I discovered that Ratatouille had passed. 🙁 Sandy and Ratatouille are our first pets that we ever had. Pet rats were not my first choice of pets.…